Schedule of Events

Important travel dates

Saturday 08

Sunday 09
Monday 10
Tuesday 11
Wednesday 12
Thursday 13
Friday 14
Saturday 15

Recommended arrival date to Jerusalem

Sunday 16


*Your flight must land by 11am

Monday 17

Race day

Tuesday 18
Wednesday 19

Earliest recommended departure

* Your flight must land by 11am or you will not make it to the expo in time and risk not being able to pick up your race packet. You cannot take part in the race without your race materials. If your flight arrives after 11am on Thursday, you have to change your flight.

Thursday September 30th, 2021

07:00 - 09:30      

  • GFNY group ride of approx. 45km departing from the First Station of Jerusalem  

13:00 - 20:30

  • GFNY Cycling Expo, at the Jerusalem first Station & Race packet pick up
  • Pasta & Wine dinner at the Cycling Expo.

Friday October 1st, 2021         



  • Closing of the start corrals area


  • Start of GFNY Jerusalem 124km & 76km distances.


  • Estimate arrival of the first group of the 76km distance


  • Estimate arrival of the first group of the 124km distance


  • Podium award ceremony for overall 124km winners  at Jerusalem Aquarium                                        


  • Podium award ceremony for all group & category winners 124km 


  • End of the finish line festivities and expo at the main finish area at Jerusalem Aquarium
